6.5 | case|study : EDWARD SNOWDEN

A hero of sorts.  A true modern revolutionary.  EDWARD SNOWDEN is the former CIA computer specialist who leaked details of American and British surveillance operations to the press, and brought the existence of PRISM into the public consciousness.  He revealed to the world the extent of Government control, snooping, and the insidious and surreptitious way in which public freedom and civil liberty was being destroyed.  By former president Jimmy Carter he has been heralded as a hero, whilst the American Officials have branded him, unsurprisingly, a traitor.  His life is now to be one spent in exile, but his contribution to civil liberty has been nothing short of inspirational.  SNOWDEN's release of NSA material has been called the most significant in US history.  A poster boy for any budding revolutionary.  The kind of guy a resistance movement might need.