6.17 | case|study : GOOGLE GLASS

'Welcome to a world behind GLASS' reads the tag line for GOOGLE'S new money spinner, the GOOGLE GLASS.  In short, a computer in your glasses.  It's with you 24/7. Gives you directions. Reads your messages. Sees the world through your eyes.  We already live in a world where digital presence is massively monitorednow imagine having that digital presence hanging off your faceA novelty now, how long before this technology is utilised by advertisers and political parties?  How long before people start recording what you see?  Where you go? What you say and to whom you say it? Future predictions tells us that these will take hold.  These, or technologies like these, will replace mobile phones.  This will happen.  Your life will be recorded right before your eyes.  And someone will inevitably be watching.  Making sure you play by their rules. Everywhere you go.