6.28 | F U L L - C I R C L E

This has been a long project.  A really  long project.  I have found out rather a valuable lesson however; when working over such a long timescale, do occasionally take stock of where you are and collate all of your work.  I'm finding now that I'm at the end of the project I'm bringing my work back to where I first started.  Although I've developed the visuals for the project over the last unit, the concept has come full circle and ended back where it started.  Now that I have brought all of the elements together I'm able to see exactly what I want to produce for the final unit of my time at university.  I'm a little frustrated that it's taken me so long to see it, but on the other hand, I'm excited as I feel a renewed passion for the work that I'm going to produce for my portfolio.