P H A S E - S U M M A R Y | # 1

The initial phase of this project has been given over largely to research and fine tuning my concept.  It has taken a good while to figure out exactly what it is that I am trying to say.  I have written (several) narratives and created a series of events and characters.  The plot that I have created has been inspired by research that I have undertaken on subject matters and people surrounding the concept of revolution and surveillance.  I have been in contact with various different artists and illustrators for advice.  One of which was Florian Meacci, who gave me some great advice on how to push my practice further.  I have also collected large amounts of visual research and photography to allow me to draw from.  Although I don't feel that I have started to create much yet, I'm glad that I have undertaken such extensive research, so as to allow me to push on visually with a firm concept.  From here, I can begin to bring my concept to life.  I have been itching to get on with some drawing.